Each month, we’ll review a challenging medical or vitreoretinal surgical case from start to finish.
Decreased Vision After A Fall
A nevus or more?
Dislocated IOL
Progressive Vision Loss in a Patient with Ataxia
Giant Retinal Tear with Progressive Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Repair
Sweet Switzerland
ACIOL Rescue
Chronic, Progressive Subretinal Abscess Biopsy
I’m doing just fine
It’s Just Floaters
Long-standing nyctalopia
Two siblings with bilateral retinal abnormalities
A Young Male with Bilateral Placoid Choroioretinopathy
Something bubbling under the surface
A SHOX-ing Association
3-Year-Old Girl With a Lazy Eye
Surgical Treatment of Bilateral Stage 5 Traction Retinal Detachment in a 6-month-old Girl with 18p Deletion and FZD4 Mutation
A Novel Retinopathy
A Patient with Vision Loss
Sutureless IntraScleral (SIS) Fixation of an Intraocular Lens (IOL) in Cadaveric Eyes: View from Above and Below
White stuff in the retina
Superior scotoma and flashes in a young myope
IOL Rescue with Goretex Suture
Maxwell Stem, MD Pennsylvania Retina Specialists